scam something from another. It’s probably the second oldest occupation next to… well, I am sure you get what I mean. The point is, we should always be vigilant about what people say, and conduct our own research before making significant decisions that will affect our future, and the lives of those around us. Property […]
Archive | March, 2016
Is Custodian a Scam, Or do they truly provide Sound Investment Advice for the right people?
It’s rather funny to read some of the articles posted by individuals who think they have it all sorted out. They somehow believe they are qualified to comment on a matter they have no knowledge about, let alone any form of demonstrated track record of success in the topic of discussion. So, let’s quickly explore […]
Custodian Scam… Is the Custodian Scam Reality Or Just a Myth?
It has come to our attention that there are several bogus articles that have been released online referring to Custodian Wealth Builders as being some kind of scam created by John Fitzgerald. However, when we look more closely at those articles we begin to see the tell-tale indications of nothing more than a trumped up […]
Is Property Investment A Scam Or Not?
Every person who wants to jump into property investment might be asking, Do Property Investment experts really help, or are they only looking to scam your hard earned savings? Is it another property investment scam or a legitimate source of advice? Property Investment scam or not Custodian Property Investment, by John Fitzgerald, is one of […]
Custodian Wealth Builders
Builders & Property Investment is not about some ‘Get Rich Quick’ scheme as some would hope for. So many people today, especially in lower demographic societies, have developed what is deemed a ‘Lottery’ mentality. Rather than seeking out sound investment advice and applying hard work to a proven strategy, they constantly look for the quickest […]