Reviews On Our Free Workshops

At Custodian we are committed to helping real Australians achieve financial success (in their terms) by educating them about wealth creation and offering them the assistance, professionals and inspiration they need, to make it work for them.

The reviews we get from our clients is that one of our greatest assets are our free workshops, seminars and webinars. These workshops are education events. The are run by professional property investors who have both been incredibly successful in their investment activities and are also fully knowledgeable about the CWB strategies. Our attendees often give us the reviews that it is by having such highly qualified AND experienced presenters, that our education process is so successful. IE. We could have had our material presented by professional speakers, but rather than this approach, we have our material presented by professional investors. There is a big difference here.

The difference is in that intangible but important quality of experience. A professional “speaker” would be eloquent, engaging, but would not necessarily have a feel for the subtleties of the property market. Also, the speaker would possibly have passion about professional speaking and entertaining – but maybe not about property.

By using professional property investors as our speakers, we have found (by reviews from attendees) that our clients get so much more. They get the course material, but presented with passion – a passion for property. It is this passion that makes the workshops so engaging. Our attendees also get value from decades of experience in investing in property. Personal experience with all the challenges and obstacles that come up, approaches to resolving and overcoming and most importantly winning in property.

This experience cannot be bought – it can only be gained though doing. And this specific industry wisdom acquired over decades is what our workshop attendees benefit from when they attend our workshops. If you would like more information on when the next workshop in your area is, the best place to start is probably the Events tab on our Facebook page. We look forward to seeing you soon

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